Last night I had a dream where I created a detailed list of what I wanted to manifest in 2015. It was strangely specific so when I woke up this morning and remembered it, I felt I should share it with you. First I’d like to thank my dream for getting me back on the writing train! It’s been five months, almost to the day, since I published my last blog. Life has been a whirlwind: I started a new job at an awesome local nonprofit, I’ve grown my career intuitive coaching practice, and I’ve started my last year at my master’s program in spiritual psychology (and I’m commuting out to Los Angeles one weekend a month for classes!). It has been intense but I’m learning a lot and trying to stop and look around once in a while. :) So back to my dream… I woke up this morning with a very clear action step for myself (and for you, if you’re interested!) to create a 2015 “wish list” to the Universe that consists of 32 total wishes, broken down as follows: 8 categories of your life in which you’d like to make changes (i.e. home, love life, career, family, etc.) x 4 “wishes” within each category (2 wishes for what you want to release from your life and 2 for what you want to create or gain in your life) = 32 total wishes (or intentions) for 2015 Can you tell I’m a numerology gal? ;) The reason I love this seemingly simple formula is because it provides a solid structure and discipline for my sometimes flailing and unclear desires. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with what to pursue first in my life. Should I focus on my relationship? Or my career? Or my home and location? There are so many things I want to improve or expand upon that it’s sometimes hard to get myself focused enough to take action towards any of it. Sometimes we need a little structure and discipline in our lives in order to experience the freedom and joy that we desire. Sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it? Aren’t discipline and structure the opposite of freedom and joy? Nope! They’re actually quite intertwined. It turns out that getting ourselves organized, making and fulfilling commitments to ourselves and to others, and increasing our joyful discipline actually lead to more space and freedom in all aspects of our lives! Who knew? Fulfilling commitments can include completing incomplete items on our to-do lists, fulfilling promises we’ve made to ourselves and others, and also letting go of past commitments that we no longer want to fulfill. This clearing out of physical, emotional, and energetic “clutter” from our lives creates beautiful space for new blessings and positive surprises to flow in. The first step on the path to joyful discipline and freedom is getting clear on our desires. In comes my brilliant formula: 8 x 4 = 32. Sounds so simple but from a numerology perspective it makes total sense. The numerological meaning of the number 8 is empowerment and success (and 2015 is also an 8 Year in numerology!!); number 4 means discipline, practicality and hard work; and number 32 adds up to 5 (3+2=5) which means freedom, movement, and change! The little Divine guides that were dancing around in my dream last night knew what they were doing! Empowering yourself to be Joyfully Disciplined in all areas of your life is the formula for experiencing true Freedom and Positive Change!! Damn! I am loving this on so many levels! (especially my inner math nerd who is jumping for joy!) :) It doesn’t need to be hard. I’ve created a simple chart (with examples) for you to just print out and fill in the blanks for your own life. First fill in the chart to get clear on exactly what you want for yourself in 2015, and then get joyfully disciplined about creating it! Cheers to Clarity, Joyful Discipline, and Freedom in 2015! :) Let me know how it goes in the comments below! Yours in Math Problems and Fulfilled Dreams, Tina :) p.s. Be gentle with yourself throughout this process—it doesn’t all have to be done today. Full disclosure I originally wrote this blog on 12/27th and didn’t get around to doing the process for myself or publishing it until today. It’s all good-- we rock anyway!! :)
5 Comments least for decision-making, that is. :) So it turns out that a big gut might actually be good for you! No I’m not talking about the size of the belly spilling over your elastic waistband. I’m talking about a big and strong gut instinct or intuitive sense. We’ve all heard people say “Follow your gut” or “What does your gut tell you?” but how the heck do we know what our gut is telling us? And why do we care what it says? It turns out our gut instincts are a form of intuition, and in their purest form can be an awesome way of getting some super helpful guidance in this crazy world of ours. How exciting that we are actually carrying around a little internal guidance system that can help us make decisions in line with our best interests on a daily basis??!! Our gut is like our own Inner Yoda that sends us strong messages and insights before our monkey minds can shut it up with doubts and fears. Our gut feelings and intuitive guidance always have our best interests in mind. The (often difficult) key is to separate our gut feelings from the fears and doubts that our monkey mind throws in the mix. It is always best to make a decision when we are in a more positive state of mind—when we are feeling a mix of excited and scared at the same time. The worst time to make decisions is when we are feeling low, fearful, and drained. Making decisions out of fear usually does not lead to the best result for us (at least it hasn’t for me). So how do you know the difference between a thought from your monkey mind (ego) and an intuitive gut instinct? The gut instinct is more of a feeling—how does your body feel when you think about the options you are trying to choose from? When you visualize yourself choosing a particular option, do you feel a mix of excited and a little scared? Or do you feel drained, heavy, and exhausted? If you feel excited at a possibility but a little (or a lot) nervous about the prospect of making a change, that is usually a good sign. If the possibility makes you feel drained and sluggish, your gut is likely telling you it’s not a good idea. Once you’re clear on what your gut is telling you about a certain situation or decision, the next (often difficult) key is to summons the courage to actually take your gut’s advice. Listening to our gut is often one of the scariest things we have to do. But oftentimes, the prospect of staying the same, and ignoring our gut, is even more unbearable. It’s times like these that I like to break things down into miniature, teeny, tiny, baby action steps. For example, does your gut tell you to be an artist when you currently work as an accountant? Well that prospect could make anyone vomit with fear! Instead, why not take a teeny, tiny (I’m talking miniscule here) action step every day that will gently and easily move you forward in that direction? For example, when you get home from your accountant job, do a 30 second google search on books written by corporate folks who made the transition into the art world. Or look up the community education schedule in your town to see if there are any art classes you might want to take. The key is to listen to that nice, big gut of yours, and take small enough steps forward that you trick your ego into thinking you’re just “exploring” something as opposed to making any sort of big, scary change. (Note: Egos don’t like change.) The cool thing is you can actually strengthen your gut on a daily basis (no I’m not talking about sit-ups). Any time you want to make even a harmless decision (i.e. where to go to dinner tonight or what movie to watch), check in with your gut and practice listening to it. Picture yourself doing each of the possibilities and then see how your body feels with each one. Then go with the one that feels better to your gut. The awesome news is that once we start listening to our gut, and taking small steps in that direction, the Universe gets super excited and steps in to support us! Each next step will be revealed to us, one at a time. What would your gut tell you if you listened to it right now? (After it says, “Eat a cheeseburger,” of course. :)) I want to hear about it in the comments below! Yours in Big Guts and Inner Yodas, Tina :) |
AuthorTina Meyers is an Intuitive Coach and Feminine Leadership Facilitator and the founder of Women Advocates Rising and WARRIOR SCHOOL. She is a former attorney, and a seeker of creativity, courage, aliveness, and transformation in her own life and the lives of others. Archives
April 2024